Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lenten Blog – Day 1, “Ash Wednesday – YOUSE GONNA DIE!”

Editorial Note:  I am going to attempt to blog a lot about Lent.  I don’t think I’ll be able to produce 40 blogs for the 40 days (and I’m never really that sure if Sunday is “technically” part of Lent as it’s a Feast day) but I’m going to try.

That being said, these blogs will be a bit “religiousy” – if that doesn’t suit you, I understand.  I’m not an expert by any stretch of the imagination (not like that has stopped me before) nor am I that good of a Christian, though I try.  These are just my thoughts on various topics during the season of Lent.  Enjoy, or don’t.  I’m not the boss of you.

Years ago before I was married, Miriam and I had gone to an Ash Wednesday Service and I had returned to my apartment.  My best friend Jason and his wife (or soon to be wife) Jenny showed up and they looked at me curiously.  Jason and Jenny at the time were devout Jehovah’s Witnesses and I didn’t fully understand what they were looking at.  Then, finally, he pointed to my forehead and I realized that I had ashes smudged on it.

What must he be thinking that some weird cult takes burnt embers and slathers them in the shape of a cross on my forehead?

Last night, thirty-plus years later, I wander into rehearsal for "HMS Pinafore" in front of 20 people, once again with ashes in the sign of a cross on my forehead.  What must they think?

What I take away from Ash Wednesday is that it’s simply a bold and strong reminder that YOU’RE GOING TO DIE.  And, well, maybe you should work on that God Relationship.  Ash Wednesday is a solid reminder of one’s mortality and our short time on this big blue marble.

I like Lent because it flies in the face of everything society wants us to believe and love and fight for:  Look younger, get younger, buy more stuff to feel younger, take this it’ll make you be younger, date younger, drive a faster car, nicer car, bigger house, more money will stop you from dying, more things will stop you from dying, more stuff, better stuff, weirder stuff, eat more salad, eat more kale, exercise more to stay younger, on and on and on and on…

If Lent puts a mirror up to that, Ash Wednesday is the wake-up call to get you out of your 400 thread count sheets and realize that the world is in front of you and you have a limited amount of time.  Make a difference.  Not only in yourself but in the world around you.

Chances are, 100 years from now, you won’t be around.  The world will be.  What are you doing today to make the world a better place?  What are you doing today to show God's love in this world?

1 comment:

  1. Even as a non-believer, I think the basic idea of Lenten is pretty neat. An extended mindfulness exercise, you might say. And yes, I remember that long-ago night.
