Saturday, March 26, 2016

Lenten Blog – Day 39 – Searching for Love

Yesterday I read that something like 20% of people lie, or embellish on their resume.  I’m sure it’s more than that.  Plus, I’m certain, that obituaries don’t tell the whole truth about the person who had recently passed on.  Accomplishments, sure, but not about the alcoholism or the fits of anger or the inability to hold down a job.  Plus there’s that “speak no ill of the dead” unwritten rule that people seem to follow and the next thing you know that celebrity who was kind of a pain now looks better in a different post-life light.

When I think about the story of Christ and his journey to death and resurrection, I think it’s amazing, or telling, that so much love shines through.

John 13 – verses 34 & 35:  34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

The writers of the books could have pushed a different narrative.  I mean, truly, how many were present during this time?  They could have easily written that Jesus said:  “Take revenge on those who hurt you.  Rise up and avenge my death!  Take up arms on your oppressors and spread righteous hellfire down upon them.”  I mean, sure, we get some of that in Revelations…but in these moments, in these passages, a message of love still shines through.

Love your enemies.
Pray for those who persecute you.
Turn the other cheek.
Give the person a cloak.
Sell all you have, give it to the poor and follow me.
Help the poor.
Help the suffering.
Welcome the stranger.
Be generous.
Friend the friendless.
Love one another.
Love your neighbor as yourself.

The authors of the bible knew something of the power of love and forgiveness and redemption.

A quick Google search of “how many times love is mentioned in the bible?” (after wanting to auto search “how many times should I poop?” and “how many times should I pee?”)

KJV – Old Testament:  131 times
KJV – New Testament:  179 times
NIV – Old Testament:  319 times!
NIV – New Testament:  232 times

And yes, I know there are different types of love mentioned and some of the Greek and Hebrew versions are different and mean different things and there’s brotherly love and romantic love and Godly love, blah blah blah – but the point is:


Even in the time of trial.  Even in these moments leading up to Jesus’s arrest, torture and crucifixion, he’s still trying his hardest to get it into the thick heads of the disciples that, at some point they’ll GET IT.  Just like Mary Magdalene gets it.  At some point, they’ll clue in.

The authors of the books could have “buffed up” the resume a bit.  Could have embellished the curricula vitae.  Could have tweaked Jesus into a revenge seeking badass hell bent on destruction of his enemies but, instead, chose love. 

How easy it would have been to feed to the masses a narrative so simple as to seek revenge and kill those who have wronged us:  Fear, anger, revenge and retribution are easy.  Forgiveness, restitution, redemption and love are hard.

Choose love.

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