Friday, March 18, 2016

Lenten Blog – Day 33 – Christ on Film - Wrap Up

If I haven’t already stretched this topic far enough, here again is another blog entry to finish it up (and take up one more of the 40 blogs...).

There are, certainly, films where Christ was front and center that I did not bring up.  I chose to focus on films that I had actually seen but feel remiss if I don’t mention the others that may have popped into your head.

First: “Jesus of Nazareth”  I can’t remember if I had seen this film or not but it appears to fall into the “let’s have a bland white guy play a charismatic character.”  I’m sure that I’ve seen this film at some point during my formative years but I don’t remember it (typically a bad sign).

"I just can't get my hand shadow spider to work very well..."

Second:  “Jesus Christ Superstar”  I’ve seen bits and pieces of this film over the years and, for some reason, it really doesn’t demand my attention.  Maybe it should.  In my brain I can understand the concept of a modern day group of mimes/clowns/actors trotting around a desolate New York City singing and telling parables.  But I don't know if I can grasp the concept of a group of disciples bursting into song 2000 years ago.  So sue me.

Is he holding a cross or a surf board?

Jesus!  Jesus!  OVER HERE!!

Third, and probably most important in terms of impact both monetarily and publicly:  “The Passion of the Christ” - Mel Gibson’s self financed blockbuster that broke box office records.   Why haven’t I seen it?  Probably the same reason I haven’t watched “Saw” or “Hostel” or any other film that can be described as torture porn.

If you’ve seen it and loved it.  Great.  I, honestly, don’t want to see the images that known anti-Semite Mel Gibson puts on the screen.  Granted, mad props to him doing the film in Latin and Hebrew and taking some other risks (mostly financial) but images can be lasting.  Images can be important and I really don’t know if I want Mel Gibson’s images of Christ getting the living crap kicked, beaten and bled out of him for two hours to filter through my brain on Good Friday service. 

Uh, yeah....

Thank you for reading this collection.  Now to move onto other subjects.  If I could only figure out what they'll be....

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