Wednesday, May 9, 2012

who, what, when, where, how and sometimes why

Look!  It's a blog.  Hold back your excitement.  I realized recently that I wanted to muse longer about certain subjects, whether they be film, screenwriting, politics, trips or whatnot and I had two choices...truncate it down to a workable few words to post on facebook or send it to my small group of friends via e-mail who, most likely, just transfer my e-mails into their "trash" bin.

So to look more "stylish" - I decided to blog.

Who:  Matt Terry.  Pushing 50 (getting closer every day).  Parent of two kids who are now actually adults.  On the verge of being an empty-nester.  Teacher, screenwriter, book reviewer, filmmaker, writer, film coordinator, stage manager, film geek, pinball fan.  Married for 25+ years to Miriam.

What:  This is a blog of general musings.  As the title suggests, it will be a "little nonsense now and then" but I'll take on more serious subjects on occasion.  These will be general observations and most of my blogs will be an attempt at humor where I will, most likely, fall way short.

When:  When I feel like it.  I've had a blog in the past...years ago.  This time, though, I've got 50 topics in my queue - so be warned - I actually have something to talk about.  Whether it adds up to a hill-of-beans is debatable.

Where:  Most likely on my lunch hour.  I've learned that if I go outside I spend money.  So to keep from spending money I watch films on a small Polaroid video player or surf the net.  Now I'll add blogging to that.

How:  God, I don't know.  I'm still learning.

Why:  Why not.

1 comment:

  1. It's about time! I wish all of my friends had blogs, so I don't need to actually speak to them to find out what's going on in their lives.

    Since, as we know, everyone lies through their teeth on Facebook in order to "save face" and not look like the miserable, sad people they almost certainly are.
