Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Social Media Destroying Connections?

It usually starts out relatively simple.  Someone on Facebook will post a video clip of something and then say:  “OMG you’ve got to see this!”  And...I’ll pass right on by.  Then another person completely unrelated to the first person will post the same video and say:  “Brilliant!”  And, again, I’ll pass right on by.  Within the next few hours, though, it will spring up more and more.  This time from another person.  Or Huffington Post or even a friend of a friend’s friend and it’ll be:  “So true!!  Take a look at this!”  And, finally, as if having to go to the dentist – I will click on the video to watch it.  Partly because I want to see what all the fuss is about and partly because I don’t want to be the one person to NOT watch it and feel like I’m missing out on something AMAAAAAAzing!

This happened this week with a video called “Look Up.”  This music video is kinda “rapped” by a British Guy (and when I say rapped by a British guy – I mean he just rhymes really really slowly – referred to as spoken word poetry or, as I like to call it:  White People Rapping.  And the fact that he rhymes really slowly it is as if he’s talking to someone who won’t GET IT).  The plot of  the video takes to task all of us people who don’t look up from our devices.  Our computers.  Our laptops.  Our smartphones, etc.

Of course the irony being that many people watching this video and posting it on Facebook are watching it on their cell phone or their lap top or other device.  And the other irony is that the technology that this song is dissing is the same technology that is, probably, going to make the video makers quite a lot of money.

Destroying your chance for a relationship?  Maybe?

Now, I don’t want to be too hard on the message here as it’s a good one and the story the video tells is about a young man who is looking for an address.  Instead of using a smartphone, he’s going completely old skool and using paper.  Because his handwriting is terrible (or something) he has to ask a hot gal passersby for information.  Three minutes later they’ve lived a full and wonderful life with marriage-child-death-love-happiness-sadness, etc.  Then the twist shows him using, not a scratched on piece of paper but a cell phone and, sadly, she just walks on by and they don’t “connect” neither spiritually, physically, sexually or whatnot (ESPECIALLY not whatnot!).  And then the British guy tells us again that we need to ‘LOOK UP!’  Okay, I GET IT.  Put the damn phone (laptop/smart-phone/cell-phone/GPS/tablet/Kindle) down and connect with the world around you.

It's hard to hold flowers on your wedding day, if you're holding a cell phone.

But here’s the rub...the overall subtext of the video is that we are becoming less social in our world of social media (I think he actually “raps/rhymes” about that).  That it’s pushing us farther and farther away from true connections.  But is it?

These are just electronic devices bent on destroying your social life.

I have a friend who refuses to use any and all types of social media.  Be it Twitter or Facebook or Snapchat or MySpace or...  He refuses to have a cell phone or a tablet.  His answer is not that he wants to connect with people face-to-face but that he doesn’t want the government tracking his every move.  And that’s a legitimate concern.  But, he’s telling me all this on a computer.  Which makes me assume that when the first books were published there was someone who was like:  “Hortence!  Jedediah hath postponed his gathering of wood and is just partaking in READING!  Does he not knoweth that reading will lead to evil?  Certainly it can’t lead to anything good, unless, of course, it’s the Bible!”

Books, just a downward spiral to loneliness and depression.

And then, when the radio was invented and placed in every home, I could see furrow-browed parents lamenting:  “Doris, Elmer Junior is on to his fifth hour of listening to the RCA radio.  He needs to go outside and play, I swear that kid isn’t going to accomplish much listening to “The Shadow” and “Edgar Bergin and Charlie McCarthy” all day.”

Oh, yeah.  You know she died old and alone with only her 52 cats, all because of that damn radio.

Certainly, we knew how the TV turned out.  Parents around the country frustrated at the box.  Calling it the “boob tube,” it was turning us all into couch potatoes – festering starches growing directly into the couch like some sub-human mutant half-human/half-couch/all-potato hybrid freak.  Hell, we even ate TV dinners.  Certainly our ability to interact with others was going to suffer greatly.

The downfall of society as we know it.  No one will interact with anyone again...EVER!

But...wait for it...the PC was just on the horizon – but before that it was the Nintendo and Atari and gaming systems solely designed to turn us into more freakish bits of nature – hiding us in our rooms like Golum, calling our Super Mario Cartridge “Precious.” Certainly we weren’t going to interact with people, right?  Certainly we were going to just lock ourselves in our rooms and forget to be social...right?

Yeah, they may be connecting now, but his love for Pong will be too much for her...

Since I grew up in an age where phones had cords and this rotating thing you actually had to rotate to call someone and have merged, semi-successfully into the world of PC’s and smartphones and gaming systems (I’ve had, over my years an Atari Pinball Game, a Nintendo 8-Bit System, an Atari 5200,  Playstations 2 and 3, three pinball machines and a handful of electronic devices from Gameboys to Coleco “football” – seriously just red LED dots) – I think I can consider myself learned (note, I didn’t say expert).

Seriously.  Red dots.  And it was fun.

So where has this world of Social Media taken me?  Over the past couple years I’ve been able to re-connect with people I, seriously, thought I would never connect with again.  Richard, my mentor.  Taso, my other mentor.  Mike who I bullied in High School – finally got a chance to apologize.  Jeff, a high school buddy, who I found out had married his partner and is very happy.  Monika, the girl I had a total crush on in Jr. High School.  Still seeing her photo makes my heart skip a beat.  And so many others:  good friends from my past, church friends, writer friends, acting friends.  Certainly you can call me crazy and say that these “relationships” don’t amount to much in the grand scheme of things.  And I would tell you to kiss my a**.  It’s certainly far more than me just wondering quietly how so-and-so is doing, when I can see what they had for lunch...or read their political views.

It's all this thing's fault no one connects anymore.

And what of the outpourings of support I read when someone’s pet or parent has just died?   Or the support we give to performances that we’ve seen or photos of someone’s garden or when someone posts that they’ve lost 50 pounds?

But, I know what you’re asking:  Aren’t there some serious issues at play here?  Well, I would assume that there are some serious issues when the electronic device starts to take over some aspect of one’s existence.  I know I became a bit panicked the other day when I realized I left my phone at home when I went to get Miriam from her work.  And, yes, I’d like to see studies done when it comes to those who are extremely introverted or extroverted and how they connect and use electronic devices.  But, honestly, I see no real sustained issue here.  So what, that when I look up on the bus and see that most of the people are staring at a device.  10 years ago I looked up on the bus and most people were staring at a book...and we seemed to go through that stage okay.

Looking at the video it implies, in some way, that if we don’t stop looking at a device we’ll never find love.  I only have to look so far as my friend Shannon’s facebook page (and the photos of her handsome husband and beautiful daughter) to see how connecting through a computer can work.  She met her husband through an on-line dating site and, just like the video, they looked up (probably at a computer screen) and got married and had a child and this has been years ago now.  Who’s to say that you can’t make a “love-connection” through a screen as opposed to accosting someone on the street because your 55th ave. looks like 53rd ave?

Or this thing's fault...

I don’t fear that Social Media is keeping us away from connecting with other people.  I just see Social Media as connecting in a DIFFERENT way with other people.  Like the examples I gave above, there is a beauty about connecting – even if just for a moment, just to think about another person, just to relate to someone’s struggle.  That’s connecting.  And, besides, until they make a computer or a tablet or smart phone that has sex with you and can cuddle with you at night, hold your hand, cry on your shoulder and make you feel like you’re the greatest person in the whole wide world...I wouldn’t worry.  Still...they might have an app for that.

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